Thursday, April 24, 2008

April is grilled cheese sandwich month!

I just found this out last night - from our boys' daily devotional book.  So I just got back from the store with "toastie" fixins.  Yes, toastie.  This is something I learned about in Singapore.  I ate one at the Jurong Bird Park.  The bird park is like a zoo for birds. A very touristy thing - I kinda regret going - but once I was there I was determined to enjoy it.  I'm not a big bird fan - they kinda scare me.  So just imagine me in the "Lory Loft".  A huge walk in cage area complete with boardwalks, and the idea was you could buy a little cup of food and have the birds eat from you.  Hah!  No way did I want a bunch of birds swarming me.  But I did enjoy watching the other fools do it.  The lorries are pretty.  Very colorful birds.  I'll have to post pictures (but again, it's right before school is out).

Back to toasties.  Apparantly it's what some countries call toasted sandwiches.  I was desperate for food, and ran into this little place that touted authentic Australian food.  The toastie I ordered was cheese, tomatoe with a little basil sprinkled on it.  Very tastey.

I promise I will not draw a parallel between the fact that we have a national grilled cheese sandwich MONTH with the growing waistlines in America.  LOL!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm not a bird fan either. I like them, but wouldn't own one. I've done that at our zoo here. Bought some yellowish "food" in a little cup and the bird will sit on my finger and eat. It's fun, to be honest.
Love grilled cheese sandwiches. I haven't had dinner I'm craving one! Looking down at my waistline, I think I'll pass, though! LOL!