Monday, February 4, 2008

Nice Matters Award*VRM2sU87wCoHaLD8Lv4xQp5Fd3Ig%3D%26size%3Dm

Surprise, surprise!  Guess who got picked for the Nice Matters Award?  Trish from picked me.  And, now it's my turn to nominate 5.  Ahem, I don't read a whole lot of journals, and everyone I do, has been picked, so I'll just list them!

Trish is one of my favorites.  She was diagnosed with breast cancer about when I was.  She endured chemo like a trooper and has a brand new grandbaby which she watches.  The baby is her son's, and she also has a beautiful daughter, Megan who is a budding artist.

I also like Mary from  (note that I don't know the HTML code to hide the link behind a label  LOL!).  She's taking a break from journaling right now, but she still reads and has always popped in with support for me.  Her journal entries usually go over my head, so I'm suspecting she's got quite a high IQ!

I also like Barbara from - also picked by Trish.  She was diagnosed with breast cancer just a few months after me, has gone through a rough patch of chemo, radiation, has had the surgery and is trying to tame her lymphodemia.  She does not post much, I guess some of us have lives?  LOL!  But I do enjoy reading her posts.

One of my all time favorite journalers has passed away this past December.  I cannot NOT mention her - her impact on my life was so deep, for an online acquaintance.  It's Kim from I shaved my legs for this?

Last, but not least, I choose Pam from  I KNOW she's been picked already, but I had to choose her because I ALWAYS read her entries.  She's very loyal to her friends, a kind nurse, a loving mom and an all around fun person.

Now, I know that I have not listed everyone that I read, and there are a lot of nice people who I read and who read me - but I took the lazy way out and only chose people that I didn't have to bug about this.  LOL!  See???  It's a wonder that I got picked!!  I'm not nice, I'm lazy!  Really, I'm not even sure if the picture is going to show up at the top of this entry. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey thanks for the award! What a surprise to come here and read this! ARE nice...and if you are out there surfing you are NOT lazy! No way! LOL!
Thanks made my day!