Thursday, August 9, 2007

just rambling... Robin Roberts...

You know, I am pathetically behind on news.  I just found out that Robin Roberts was diagnosed with breast cancer and she had some sort of surgery recently.  I saw a clip online of her announcement.  Boy, do I recognize the look she had on her face...  You can put on a brave front, but inside, it's there...  I wish you the best Robin.

You know, she is a very healthy woman, being an athlete, plus she said she didn't have any family history.  I am so glad that they (her and Diane Sawyer) made a point that 80% who are diagnosed have no family history.  I just recently heard a friend of mine say, "oh, I don't have to worry about that, no one in my family has had it".  I would have ripped her a new one if I were that type of person, and if she didn't say that she kept up with her mammos and such.  She's very large chested, so I'd think she'd be even more worried...

Anyway, my one year anniversary is coming up next week.

Did my cholesterol test yesterday.  yes, I actually followed through.  I don't know how many days it takes, but I'll probably call next week to find out the results, if the doctor doesn't call me first.  He'd said he'd call if the numbers were bad.  And they just may well be.  All that fried chicken this summer, and just an accumulation of poor eating habits.

I haven't been on here very often because I spend most of my online time at weight watchers!  I'm loving the points tracker thingy.  I spend a lot of time fooling around with building recipes and finding out what I can and can't eat.  Plus, I'm being fairly honest.  (I know you are shocked, but I did say "fairly") Ok, so I didn't enter the marshmallows I ate today, but I had points left over - so I'm good.  LOL!  Yes, that's exactly how I am.  I'm just thrilled to find that I can eat a lot of the things I normally eat and be within my points.  I'm also adjusting to the hungry feeling and snacking less.  I think about it hard.  Normally I would get that after-meal craving for something sweet - even though my stomach is stuffed I have that need to top it off with a sweet.  I'm learning to deal with it smarter.  Plus, after-walk snacks.  One of my most vulnerable, hungry moments.  Today I actually talked myself into wanting an apple.  I gave myself a pep talk during the walk about how cold andwet and sweet it would be.  And it was nice!  Just the right thing.  I still think a lot of it is hormonal.  Some days you are stronger than others.

Yesterday was such an emotionally grumpy day.  I just don't do heat well.  So I was grumpy, which made my kids difficult and challenging, our ill tempers feeding off of each other.  Viscious cycle.  I found myself instinctively going to the cabinet and grabbing snacks.  Lots of them.  Kid's fruit chews, granola bar, pb on a spoon.  If we had chips, I woulda eaten those.  So last night the kids devotional had the verse which says "may the words of my mouth be pleasing to Thee" (IIRC) and we discussed how grumpy I was, I apologized and we prayed this verse.  Today was a much better day - emotion-wise and food-wise.  Still super-hot outside (and inside), but...  I'm just saying...

So, if you are wondering, the rules thing is over.  For now.  I still don't eat after 8, and now Activia is a daily part of my life (very nice to my stomach!), and of course fruits and vegetables have increased exponentially.  So, the rules are there, but I'm doing WW for now.  I just hope I lose a bit more this coming week.  I was so down that day, it almost defeated me.  I'm okay now.

gas on post is down to $3.07

I've planted another avacado seed, this time doing it in dirt, not starting it in water.  No results yet.  I have also planted cilantro seeds and bought a basil plant and a tomato plant that has 3 tiny little maters on it.  I hope the birds don't get at them.  We have some resident bulbuls, myna birds and zebra doves that hang out a supper time.  I'm really gonna miss eating outside all the time.  *sigh*  Can you believe I'm missing it already? We've got until next summer!!


Anonymous said...

I heard about Robin.....
I love fresh veggies...let me know if the avacado sprouts!

Anonymous said...

Yea, I watch Good Morning America regularly.   Robin Roberts is such an awesome person.  If she can get breast cancer, anyone can :(