Augggghhhhh! I'm dying to scratch!!!!! Please, please, please, let me just claw myself please!
If you've been with me from the beginning of this ordeal, you know how much I LOVE steri strips. Note to self, write a note of thanks to the inventor of steri strips.
Thank goodness I can't feel anything on the mastectomy side or it'd be double torture.
I'm all red, just like last time. I put a call in to the nurse and she confirmed that it was the steri strips or the glue and if it's still itchy by Monday to call again and they'll see me. I guess they want it to heal up a few days before they pull them off. She said the bump I feel, that is definitely the implant, is nothing, it just needs to settle and it's probably due to stitches or something. Whatever she said, it made sense at the time. (I'm such a good patient - whatever you say! tra la la)
I tell you, this whole thing really threw me for a loop. I never expected to have the breakdown. That was supposed to happen at the mastectomy, right?? That's what all the books say. Wrong. You don't expect to come out of a mastectomy looking normal. In fact, I thought I looked better than what I expected. Plus I knew it was not the final stop in my journey. But this. I've seen a lot of reconstruction pictures and let me tell you, most of them look pretty decent. Plus, I kinda liked the look I had with the expander. I did not like this shriveled, flat prune.
"They" say a lot of things. And one of them is "it changes every day". So far, that's true. So, that's my word of encouragement to the other gals who might read this and also be freaking out. Give it time. You'll hear from me, as time goes by, as to whether I like them any better. Oh yay, more booby posts!
It's still small and flat-ish, but it's not wrinkled any more. It's filled out, plumped a little. I've got an odd point, that was there with the expander, but I think that's extra skin he's going to use for the nipple. It has a nice U shape. I know that there are gals whose expanders or implants end up in their armpits, or give them a uniboob, or sit high on the pec... I didn't say this in my last post, but I bent over and thought I saw the dreaded ripple. I didn't even want to type it. I don't think it's there any more. I hope it stays away.
The other side is still swollen some, and perky. So I have the perky side and the slight droop side. Hmmm. Sure, over the years, gravity will bring down that perk. By the time I'm 80, I'll be even. LOL! The sisters will look related.
I dread bra shopping. The doc said to wait 4 or 5 months before buying the expensive pretty bras. Right now, I'm supposed to wear a sports bra all day and all night long. I like the security. I can't imagine at this point finding anything that would fit both sides at once, so a sports bra is the only thing that would do. And that lovely white Walmart front closure bra. Thank you Kim for the heads up on that one. It's gonna come in handy again.
Oh, I'm back to using 4 pillows at night. LOL! Good thing we have a king size bed. DH is being crowded out as it is.
No pain pills today so far. I woke up this morning without that pain you get when everything shifts when you sit up. yay!
so, have you had your boobs squished this year?? Have ya?
I am off to have a biopsy on the morning on my left breast..and removal of right ovary and it will also be sent to pahtology..and my right ovary removed. To say I am scared is an understatement. Teh DR says he feels 98% sure it is not cancer but until pathology comes back, I probably won't relax.
Wow you've sure gone through a lot! Strong lady you are!
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